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Occupy Wall Street


Idle No More - "The spirit and intent of the Treaty agreements meant that First Nations peoples would share the land, but retain their inherent rights to lands and resources."

GlobalRevolution - "Brings you live streaming video coverage from independent journalists on the ground at nonviolent protests around the world"

Acronym TV - The latest news never heard from corporate bankster media - covering especially the super crisis of all time: The Fukushima accident and the end of life as we know it

Occupy World News NOW International - Added 08/26/2013 - currently down

Wireless Mesh Network - [Or] "How to Keep the NSA Out of Your Computer" - from Mother Jones

Alliance for Global Justice (AFGJ) - Occupy Tucson's, new digs - Posted 08082013 - An Ordinary Person's Guide with news stories that uncover the subversive scams of the corporate elites

Popular Resistance - "With the corporate takeover of federal and state governments, more people are becoming politically active in new and creative ways. A growing culture of resistance is utilizing nonviolent direct action and civil disobedience as a primary tactic, and is forming real democratic organizations to empower local communities—as opposed to working within the corrupt, two-party system." Posted 07262013

OccupyWallStreet -  "Is a leaderless resistance movement with people of many Colors, genders and political persuasions. The one thing we all have in common is that We Are The 99% that will no longer tolerate the greed and corruption of the 1%. We are using the revolutionary Arab Spring tactic to achieve our ends and encourage the use of nonviolence to maximize the safety of all participants." - "We're Building A Global Movement to Solve the Climate Crisis." - Act NOW and rid humankind of this monumental mistake!

An Encyclopedia of Rainbow Camps & Kitchens - "Here “annual gathering” means the Rainbow Gathering held every year from July 1 - 7 in the United States of America" - Glossary

Occupy America - From "Crooks and Liars"

Albert Einstein Institution - "Our goals are to understand the dynamics of nonviolent action in conflicts, to explore its policy potential, and to communicate this through print and other media, translations, conferences, consultations, and workshops."

This Can't Be Happening! - An Occupy Wall Street must read!   -   Post EarthMother Day 2013

The US Bill of  Rights - From "The Charters of Freedom."

Universal Declaration Of Human Rights - (UDHR) is a declaration adopted by the United Nations General Assembly. "30 articles which have been elaborated in subsequent International Treaties, regional Human Rights instruments, National Constitutions and Laws."

TheLivingNewDeal - "Today, our team is building a national database of thousands documents, photographs, and personal stories about public works made possible by the New Deal." - Project On Government Oversight - "Report Corruption."  -  Posted 05172013

InsideClimate News - They broke the "The Dilbit Disaster: Inside the Biggest Oil Spill You've Never Heard Of," a project that began with a seven-month investigation into the million-gallon spill of Canadian tar sands oil into the Kalamazoo River in 2010.

VIA22 - "[It is] a new international, open and  horizontal, collective initiated in Montreal, Quebec – is launching monthly  processes of local and global actions of convergence every 22nd of each month."

10 Lessons American Protesters Can Learn from Quebec’s Students - From Occupy Washington D.C. - Now  Popular Resistance

S17NYC - U-Tube Documentary film takes the place of The Year-2 Gathering - "OWS has emerged from our one year anniversary energized and ready to take the struggle to the streets, the schools and the neighborhoods where the 99% confront the 1% every day." Updated ONLY Once Each Anniversary...

New York City General Assembly - "Official website of the working groups which comprise the New York City General Assembly - Together we work to organize and set the vision for the #occupywallstreet movement." - "We are a collective of Occupy activists who came together to produce educational outreach literature for the movement. On this site you can download free, hi-res versions of our 4x6" info cards to Print Yourself."

Occupy Washington D.C. - is  NOW Popular Resistance - In solidarity with Occupy Wall Street

Boston Phoenix - Portland Phoenix - Providence Phoenix - "The Phoenix Network" - Peoples' News for the 99%

Peaceful Uprising - Building a Healthy World through Activism at its best - With Blogs, Video and News

WikiLeaks - You Know This One!

Arizona Community Press - They report the News that is un-reported,  unveil propaganda packaged as News and give Voice to the Citizen/Customer (often named "consumer"). Corporate Arizona favors only the "consumer" - a fictitious creation of madison avenue.

Occupedia - From Tucson, AZ - A publication - An electronic chronicle of recorded chronological events and written pieces for People fighting against the bankster menace - Its corporate structure threatens human extinction, or at the very least, intends total enslavement of the 99% by a cruel police state everywhere on Earth.

OccupyYourVoice - In Tucson Interviews with 99%ers about the current depression, planet poisonong with radioactivity and carbon, gene-manipulation and out-of-control soil nutrient, animal and mineral extraction - And the political fascism that fuels it

The OccupiedTucsonCitizen - News that corporate media purposely misses or misrepresents - Up-to-date news of OccupyTucson events and status

Occupy Tucson LiveStream - We Love Our Work And You, Too.

EyeOnOccupy - "The latest news about the Occupy Movement"

Occupy Stories - "First-Person News From The Occupy Movement"

Occupy Together - "We Stand Together, We Advance Together."

OccupyCafe - "As creators of Occupy Cafe, we refer to ourselves as "Stewards." It is with Deep Respect and Honor that We Welcome You to this Open Space for Global Conversation."

Occupy National Gathering FaceBook - Community Page

MBN LIVE -   Mobile Broadcast News

InterOccupy - " provides channels of communications between GAs, Work Groups and Occupiers across the Occupy movement."

All Occupy Live Streams - Occupy Streams of US and World

OccupySandy - "The crisis isn’t over. The recovery effort is just getting started. We still need volunteers to help in area affected by Sandy. Please Register as a Volunteer to join us!" Posted 12/12/2012

The Conversation - An Austalian Independent News Source - "Analysis and Comment - Share The Love."

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Sea Shepherd Conservation Society - "(SSCS) is an international non-profit, marine wildlife conservation organization. Our mission is to end the destruction of habitat and slaughter of wildlife in the world's oceans in order to conserve and protect ecosystems and species."

ProjectCensored - "This site may contain copyrighted material th e use of which has not always been specifically authorized by the copyright owner. We are making such material available in an effort to advance understanding of environmental, political, human rights, economic, democracy, scientific, and social justice issues, etc. we believe this constitutes a ‘fair use’ of any such copyrighted material as provided for in section 107 of the US Copyright Law."

Dr. Jill Stein - "She is an American Physician specializing in Internal Medicine and the nominee of the Green Party for President of the United States in the 2012 election.

FreeAndEqual - "[It is] an election reform organization dedicated to the idea that all citizens should enjoy an equal share of the rights and responsibilities of our nation’s governance. We strive to create a system in which all citizens are equal in their ability to participate."

Dēmos - "Ideas and Actions to Promote the Common Good"

The International Peace Bureau - "[It] is dedicated to the vision of a World Without War. Our current main programme centres on Sustainable Disarmament for Sustainable Development and we campaign mainly on the reduction of military expenditure."

New Economics Foundation - "NEF (the new economics foundation) is an independent think-and-do tank that inspires and demonstrates real economic well-being."

Woodstock Museum - "In August 1969, one of the most celebrated music festivals in history took place on this site.  At a time when Americans were deeply divided, over 400,000 people from across the country gathered in these fields to celebrate "Three Days of Peace and Music."  The three days of legendary performances, unimaginable mud, and unforgettable experiences helped the Woodstock Music and Art Fair become a symbol of an entire generation."

PostCarbonInstitute - "It is Absolutely Necessary that We Plan Our Energy Future. We must work hard to transition as smoothly as possible to largely Fossil Fuel Free Communities. If we’re caught off guard (too late?), chaos is quite likely."

Earth Policy Institute - "Dedicated to planning a sustainable future and providing a roadmap of how to get from here to there"

Shouse Law Group - California's Asset Forfeiture Laws - "Asset forfeiture is one of the most powerful—and potentially unfair—weapons the government can use against people, regardless of whether they are guilty of a crime."

Rick Simpson  - "My name is Rick Simpson. I have been providing people with instructions on how to make Hemp Oil medicines for about 8 years. The results have been nothing short of amazing. Throughout man’s history Hemp has always been known as the most Medicinal Plant in the World.  Even with this knowledge Hemp has always been used as a political and religious football." - "Hemp is one of the most Diverse Plants on the Planet, and could literally supply most of Humankind's' needs for fuel, Food, clothing , building products and medicine. Despite its usefulness, Hemp is illegal to grow in the United States. This site is intended to be an avenue for the Community to empower themselves with information. There is a Truth that must be heard!"

Dr. Frank Lucido - "Performing Medical Cannabis Consultations - Trained and certified in the practice of conventional medicine" - Dr. Frank's Blog

Reclaim the Media  - "Transforming our media system and expanding the communications rights of ordinary people through Grassroots Organizing"

The Center for Responsive Politics ( "Tracks money in politics and its effect on elections and public policy"

Willie Nelson Peace Research Institute - "When you think about it, one of the more unique properties of Peace is the fact that everyone must be included."

Citizens for Solar  - "Tucson, AZ educates the general public about the benefits of solar power by demonstrating Solar Technology and helping people become part of the Solar Culture. To this end we put on one major event each year - The Annual Solar Potluck and Festival of the Sun.

Co-op America  - "Mission is to harness economic power. The strength of consumers, investors, businesses and the marketplace to create a Socially Just and Environmentally Sustainable Society"

Brennan Center for Justice - "Democracy, Poverty and Criminal Justice."

Center for Constitutional Rights - "Empower poor Communities and Communities of color, to guarantee the Rights of those with the fewest protections and least access to Legal Resources, to train the next generation of Constitutional and Human Rights Attorneys and to strengthen the broader Movement for Constitutional and Human Rights."

Occidental Arts & Ecology Center (OAEC) - "Addresses the challenges of creating Democratic Communities that are Ecologically, Economically and Culturally Sustainable in an increasingly privatized and corporatized economy and culture"

Environmental Defense - "We find Innovative, practical ways to solve the most Urgent Environmental Problems."

Code Pink: Women for Peace - "Women-initiated grassroots peace and Social Justice Movement working to End The War In Iraq, stop new wars,  and Redirect Our Resources into Health care, Education and other Life-Affirming Activities"

Women Environmental Artists Directory - "Offers free listings for Women Arts Professionals concerned with Environmental Issues"
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Strategies for International Development - "Adequate Diet, Health and Housing, as well as Improved Education, Employment and Human Rights for all residents in the developing countries of Latin America and Africa"

Center for Justice - "A non-profit law firm dedicated to the experience of Justice with those of limited or no resources or influence through Compassion and an Awareness of the Sacredness of the Earth"

The State PIRGS  - "Public Interest Research Groups delivering results-oriented Citizen Activism to Protect Our Environment and encourage a Fair and Sustainable Economy"

Native Movement Collective - "Young leaders motivating the World's Peoples toward balanced relations with each other and Mother Earth" - Flagstaff, AZ based

One World - "Encourages People to discover their Power: Power to Speak, Connect and Make A Difference - Provide access to information and enabling connections between Thousands of Organizations and Millions of People around the World"

Science and Environmental Health Network - "Concerned about the misuse of Science in ways that failed to protect the Environment and Human Health"

Apollo Alliance - "On a Global Scale we face never before seen Environmental disruption.  Rising Social Inequity and the emergence of fundamentalist anger that threatens our very security. We need new leaders of Vision! And A New Unifying Call to Action!"

Earth Island Institute (EII) - "Develops and supports projects that counteract threats to the Biological and Cultural Diversity that Sustain the Environment"

Urban Habitat - "Work in partnership with low-income Communities and Communities of Color to advance Social Economic and Environmental Justice in the Bay Area region and beyond"

Marijuana Policy Project - "MPP believes that the greatest harm associated with Marijuana is prison.  Emphasis [is] on making Marijuana Medically Available to Seriously Ill People."

Bioneers - "Practical solutions for People and Planet"

Food Not Bombs - "Sharing Free Vegetarian Food with Hungry People and Protesting war and poverty - An organization to End war in our Lifetime" -  Go Keith!

Indigenous Environmental Network - "Information clearinghouse" - "Provide advocacy for Environmental Justice and Health - Convening Local Regional and National Meetings on Environmental Justice Issues and provide Support, Resources and Referral to Indigenous Communities"

Center for Media and Democracy - "Strengthens Participatory Democracy by investigating and exposing public relations spin and propaganda"

PEN American Journal - "PEN America: A Journal for Writers and Readers" - International PEN - The World’s Oldest Human Rights Organization and the Oldest International Literary Organization"

The Peace Alliance - Formerly "The Department of Peace" - "Develop policies and allocate resources to effectively reduce the levels of domestic and gang violence, child abuse and various other forms of societal discord - Internationally, the Department will advise the President and Congress on the most sophisticated ideas and techniques regarding Peace-Creation among nations."

First Nations - "Working to Restore Native Control and Culturally Compatible Stewardship of the Assets They own - Be the Land! Be Human Potential! Be Cultural Heritage or Be the Natural Resources. Establish new assets for ensuring the Long-term Vitality of Native Communities."

Friends of the Earth - "One million members & supporters around the World! We campaign on today's most urgent Environmental & Social Issues. We challenge the current model of economic & corporate globalization & Promote Solutions that will help to Create Environmentally Sustainable & Socially Just Societies." - Radio Station

Peace and World Security Studies - (PAWSS) - "Foster student and faculty awareness of major international issues and to promote undergraduate education in [the] Peace"

Punta Mona Center - For Sustainable Living and Education - "An 85-acre Organic Farm and Educational Retreat Center located on the southern Caribbean coast of Costa Rica"

Vote Solar - "A coalition campaign dedicated to the idea that a national transition to Clean and Renewable Energy Sources like Solar is not just possible, but crucial to our country’s best interests"

Save The Internet - "Congress is pushing a law that would abandon the Internet's First Amendment - A principle called network neutrality that prevents companies like at&t, verizon and comcast from deciding which web sites work best for You."

ForestEthics - "Has created a revolutionary way to protect Endangered Forests - A process that has saved over seven million acres"

Seva Foundation - "For 27 years, Seva has served People around the World who are struggling for Health, Cultural Survival and Sustainable Communities."

Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) - "Food Production, Sales and distribution aimed at both increasing the Quality of Food and the Quality of Care given the Land, Plants and Animals, while substantially reducing potential Food losses and financial risks for the producers"

Jane Goodall Institute - "A global nonprofit that empowers People to make a difference for all Living Things - We are creating healthy ecosystems, Promoting Sustainable Livelihoods and Nurturing New Generations of Committed, Active Citizens around the World."

Sacred Rites - In Flagstaff - A Buddha-Conscious store that treasures our Happiness

Global Exchange - "A membership-based International Human Rights Organization dedicated to promoting Social,Economic and Environmental Justice around the World"

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Buckminster Fuller Institute - "Serves a Global network of Design Science Innovators working at the leading edge to 'make the World work for 100% of Humanity'"

Union of Concerned Scientists - "Political interference in science threatens our nation’s prosperity, research capacity and leadership."

National Organization for Women - "To take action to bring about Equality for All Women"

People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA) - "Largest Animal Rights Organization in the World - Founded in 1980 - PETA is Dedicated to Establishing and Protecting the Rights of All Animals."

Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America - "Starting December 19th, 2005, Operation Truth will be known as IAVA, Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans of America."

RSF - "Attracting and developing a Community of philanthropists and Socially Responsible investors - RSF Philanthropic Services offers philanthropic and investment services that maximize donors' Social impact."

Center for Food Safety - "Uses multifaceted strategies, including legal actions, submission of policy comments and Public Education to accomplish its goals of curtailing industrial agricultural production methods that harm Human Health"

International Association of Educators for World Peace - "A forum to discuss view points on how to install Peace Education where it is needed, and to offer assistance to those groups"

Progressive Democrats of America  - "Supporting the Progressive vote"

Manataka - "For thousands of years this Sacred Site was known as Ma-na-ta-ka - (Place of Peace). Elders of many nations from the four corners of Turtle Island made long pilgrimages to this magnificent place to Perform Ceremonies and share the gift of the curative waters called No-wa-sa-lon (Breath of Healing). They received other special gifts like Healing Stones, Healing Clay and Healing Herbs to enhance Their Journey Through Life."

Salmon Nation - "The dream of Ecotrust - A Community of Caretakers and Citizens: A Community that stretches across arbitrary boundaries and bridges urban-rural divides. We bring new meaning to the word Cooperative with unusual Alliances of Tribes, Fishermen, Farmers, Loggers  and Urban-Dwellers working Together to Improve our Neighborhoods and Watersheds."

Sustain Taos - "Our mission is to build a Coalition of groups and individuals within Taos County to Create a Sustainable Quality of Life by offering Educational Programs and Practical Solutions."

GreenAid - The Medical Marijuana Legal Defense and Education Fund Inc.

Turtle Island - Internet Portal for North American Indigenous Peoples

Noetic Sciences - "We are a nonprofit membership organization located in Northern California."

NORML  - Good people about reforming the inhumane criminalization of Marijuana consumption

M.A.P.S. - "Mission is to sponsor scientific research designed to develop psychedelics and Marijuana into FDA-approved prescription medicines and to Educate the Public Honestly about the risks and benefits of these drugs"
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Clearwater - Clearwater Festival -  "People who have Dreams For A Better World and an unwavering belief that as individuals - We can make a difference in bringing about a Cleaner, Safer world for Ourselves and Future Generations."

Arizona Alliance for Peace and Justice - "Come to the weekly End the War Coalition meetings and help plan future events!"

Arizona Institute for Peace Education and Research - "Empower Ourselves and other Community Members through Education, Research and Advocacy and to take effective action on behalf of Peace, Social Justice and a Sustainable Environment"

Changing Hands Bookstore - Independent bookstore - Tempe, AZ

Democracy for Arizona - "We seek to educate, to register all Eligible Voters, to motivate the Voting Public and to show up and vote."

Media Education Foundation - "The Media Education Foundation produces and distributes video documentaries to encourage critical thinking and debate about the relationship between media ownership, commercial media content and the Democratic Demand for Free Flows Of Information, Diverse Representations Of Ideas And People and Informed Citizen Participation."

The Netherlands - The official site of the Netherlands

International Vegetarian Union - "Promoting Vegetarianism Worldwide Since 1908"

United for Peace and Justice - "Encouraged by these events, but continues to call for a rapid and total end to the US war"

Human Rights First - "HRF Calls on President and Congress to Promote Human Rights in Russia." - Against war

The Engaged Zen Foundation - "Our experience working in prisons throughout the United States over the past dozen years has compelled us to focus the Engaged Zen Foundation's efforts on the complete circle of Human Rights Imperatives."

Center for a New American Dream - "The American Dream, what do those words mean to us?"

Center for Resource Conservation - A great Sustainable/Green Organization in Boulder, CO, tackling Environmental Issues close to Home

Drug Policy Alliance - "Nation's leading organization working to End the war on drugs"

American Civil Liberties Union - Thank Goddess for these folks!

The Memory Hole - "A repository of source information uncovering Truth to power!"

- Herb News from "High Times"

United Nations Environment Programme  - Very good insider info on what ails Mother Earth

World Wildlife Fund - Leads international efforts to Protect Endangered Species and Their Habitats

Sierra Club - "The United States, with less than five percent of the World's population consumes more than twenty-five percent of its Resources, only by promoting Greater Efficiency, discouraging waste and re-examining our wants and needs."

Greenpeace International - "Greenpeace exists because this fragile Earth deserves a voice. It needs Solutions. It needs Change. It needs Action."  Greenpeace USA - Genetic Engineering


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We are the 99% ...... of ALL PEOPLE!

October 15th marks the 2nd Anniversary of Occupy Tucson. We, then, came together in Our Public Spaces to work out precisely why we were (and still are) losing America the Beautiful. The stolen Americas of the First Peoples that we inherited in the USA through the deceit and cheating of some criminal families has come home to roost! But, NOW on us Working Folks, by the same silk-tied, business suits. - á la 21st century-style.

The thousands of Us most severely impacted by corporate greed made time to camp together in order to dialogue about how to protect Ourselves from an ongoing economic/environmental/privacy collapse. What a shock to experience that so many others held similar unmet concerns about so many things wrong! We never meet before because of a rat-race life that separates Us from the time to meet and get to know one another. Work schedules, distances, mass media dis-information, racism, economic collapse, homelessness and stone-cold fear of speaking up STILL keep us apart. I am an Occupier. I Occupy My Life, My Home and My Rightful Place as a Citizen and Honorable Human Being. I am Free to Speak without fear and say No to madness!

The "1%" richest of so-called Americans have been criminally stealing like crazy, but "legally," from Our Economy these past decades. While polluting and War-profiteering, the 1% NOW "own" Our Commons. Everyday, cozy relationships of so-called "think tanks" and political parties create secretive, backroom deals of cooked-up political deceit and lies to sling at us 24/7. This as We Working People suffer the waste of Our Oil, Water, Soil, Air, Money, Food and lack of protection from our Police and Judiciary, (to name a few.) All this in the name of "security." Who do these "owners" of America think they're dealing with? Their little playthings?

These sociopaths have willfully defunded and politicized Our Public Schools. These ingrates have prevented a badly needed National Health System (Medicare for All - instead we get privatized, AGAIN!), while privatizing prisons into profitable rackets and plundering mineral deposits throughout Creation. These profiteers are relentless and destructive in their resource extraction methods. Lookup, sometime, "fracking" or mountain-top removal for starters.

International banking fraudsters and their money-laundering, big-banks(ie WellsFargo, BOA, Chase, GS, Citi, etc) together, have hoarded huge $trillions$-sums of cash overseas and moved it and US manufacturing out-of-country to avoid participating as a contributing tax-paying citizen of America. Though, good riddance to polluting-industries like the petro-chemical giants, the jobs they represented need to be recreated back here in the USA. BUT as non-polluting,"Green" Service Jobs: like infrastructure building and  Restoration of Our Dying Environment.

The 1% are crime-families that have used every odious ploy from larceny to murder in order to achieve their goal: leave America a burned-out third-world basket case. Their idea beckons a poisoned, broke and uninhabitable North America while they watch from afar, say: United Arab Emirates. These "owners" of everything based on petro-cash and consumerism produce seven things in abundance: stupidity, insanity, pain, suffering, scarcity, fear and chaos. Almost Apocalyptic of them, Eh?

The so-called debt is actually the accumulated monies owed to Our Treasury from these crooks who have fraudulent off-shore tax-evasion schemes.  Along with their unjust tax-cuts,  makes the whole mess as obscene as can be. These criminal 1% might as well be getting away with murder! Since the five decades after President Eisenhower, they have hoarded and thieved enough to own 50% of Everything. Doing the math, that leaves half for the 330-million of us and half of say 60-trillion is 30-trillion for the 3.3-million of them. Add a wrecked Economy and an un-livable Planet as a goolish bonus. We, who actually ADD positively to society own, on average, $90,000 per person. The 1% "people," own $9-million-a-piece for every man, woman and child = $90-million for Mom and Dad and eight kids! Not to mention their bold-faced ignorant pillage of Our precious Environment - The One and Only that We ALL need for Life. The 1% must go the way of the Dodo or WE ALL WILL!

The Occupy Movement grew from the grassroots spontaneity of good people who have been wronged. We intend to Get Out The Truth and Force Government to Act With Honor for You, Me and all Our People in the Name of The Constitution of the United States and The Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Our so-called "Free Press" does not report who and what the Occupy Movement truly is. Because, it's You and Me and any other US Citizen who adheres allegiance to Our Constitution! Instead, the corporate-controlled cable tv spews pretty lies and trumped-up assumptions ordered by the dominant bankster-owner-class. We, the Working Americans, are under assault by a few psychopathic and lazy cheats who make money by either owning or producing nothing for the Common Good. We need to replace the cruelty of these 1% greed-heads and their co-conspirator stooges in Congress with Conscious Servants of the People! Honorable Representatives must reverse - !AND QUICKLY! the murderous attack on  our Life-sustaining Environment! The palpable disdain of the 1%, (the so-called "job creators,") for The Working Class may fly at the private country club or the closed-door boardroom  sessions. Containing their ugliness, by inventing the $obscenely-funded$ so-called "tea party," seems to have worked for a while. But, how's that working for you job creators, lately? Time for another bought-and-paid-for "fraudster party?"

Time is ripe for Occupy and Others to chase down the cheater-liar corporate elites with Our Palpable Disdain, say for starters  teaming up with: "" to stop the xl tar sands greedsters. And then, let's work concurrently, with the disenfranchised, the thirty-million Working Poor, many of whom go hungry or without healthcare, AND get to the streets! Peacefully DEMAND raising the minimum wage to $11/hr! (An idea put forward by Chris Hedges, this February, '13.)


Explodes Into Being.

The DreamDimension

Becomes  The   NOW!

Colossal Galaxies Condense  and Group.

The Cosmic Neighborhoods Sparkle.

We Awake into The NOW.

A OneLove OneEarth Cosmos!

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